Quiz: Test your autumn knowledge

How much do you know about September, October and November?

12 September 2023

Answer our questions about autumn and find out how much you know about the upcoming season.

And check out some autumnal activities too.

Explore autumn in your unit with these unit meeting activities:


  • Binocular bingo, from pack 9. This unit meeting activity can be adapted for any season. This counts towards the have adventures theme.
  • Shifting shades from pack 9. This activity is all about exploring autumnal colours and textures and counts towards the have adventures theme.
  • Echo, echo, echo from pack 11. Discover skills of bats - you could use this alongside a bat walk. This counts towards the skills for my future theme.


  • Dancing in the rain from pack 9. This activity is all about dancing to the sound of rain and will work well in the rainy autumn weather. This counts towards the have adventures theme.
  • Hedgehog home from pack 5. Build hedgehog homes in your unit. This counts towards the have adventures theme.


  • Warm in the wild from pack 1. Build campfire with your unit and work towards the have adventures theme.


  • Land art from pack 3. Create art with natural items - why not focus it around autumnal landscapes? This counts towards the have adventures theme.